Academic Video Online, or Alexander Street Press, provides subject-specific content developed by the BBC, Creative Arts Television, ArtHaus Musik, PBS, Pennebaker, Hegedus Films, Cunningham Dance Foundation, Insight Media, and many other publishers and broadcast companies. Alexander Street continues to add new content to each of the collections.
All videos are indexed and searchable in the database, with full-text transcripts and closed captioning available for the majority of the titles. Users can search by title, date, performers, scene, etc.
The interface also provides the ability to cite videos to the specific second with permanent URLs. Other features include custom clip-making tools, personal playlists, and embeddable links.
Warning: currently the database is returning some unlicensed content. If you find a film that only provides a "sample" film clip, that means we do not own the rights to that title. Please find another film and or contact us for assistance.
A comprehensive music collection of primarily classical music that includes 113,260 CDs and 1,664,800 tracks of music. New releases are added every month and can be accessed separately. On average, 500 new CDs are added to the library every month. Permalinks are available.
This guide was created with permission from the Arizona State University Streaming Video Guide at