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NWACC Library


Copyright Best Practices



This guide is for informational purposes. Neither this guide nor the Library supply legal advice nor are either intended to replace the advice of legal counsel.

Get Started

copyright mark

Copyright Basics

Find definitions, basic explanations and links to dive deeper.

fair use logo

Fair Use

Understand fair use and follow its four factors.

teacher with pointer aimed at board

Educational Use

Explore this specialized component of fair use.

magnifying glass with plus sign

Request Copyright Permissions

Seek and obtain permission to use copyrighted works.

Creative Commons heart logo

Creative Commons Licenses

Know exactly what you can and cannot do with a CC work.


Royalty-free & Public Domain Resources

Find images, sounds and more to use freely.

Dive Deeper

Consult the official NWACC policy.

Our Short Course provides a brief primer.

American Library Association Statement on Copyright


....Everyday copyright law affects the way libraries provide information to their users. The first sale doctrine enables libraries to lend books and other resources. Fair use allows for the use of copyrighted works for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, or research. Libraries are permitted to make reproductions of copyrighted works for preservation and replacement purposes. And under copyright law, libraries can aid in the transformation and reproduction of copyrighted works for users with disabilities. As libraries advocate for user rights and access to information, it's crucial to continue to address the emerging challenges posed at the intersection of technology, society, and law.

Read the full statement.