A - Author. Who wrote the resource? Who are they? Background information matters.
C - Currency. When was this resource written? When was it published? Does this resource fit into the currency of your topic?
T - Truth. How accurate is this information? Can you verify any of the claims in other sources? Are there typos and spelling mistakes?
U - Unbiased. Is the information presented to sway the audience to a particular point of view? Resources unless otherwise stated should be impartial.
P - Privilege. Check the privilege of the author(s). Are they the only folks who might write or publish on this topic? Who is missing in this conversation? Critically evaluate the subject terms associated with each resource you found. How are they described? What are the inherent biases?
Bizup, J. (2008). “BEAM: A rhetorical vocabulary for teaching research-based writing.” Rhetoric Review, 27(1), 72-86. Rhetoric Review, 27(1), 72–86. https://doi.org/10.1080/07350190701738858
Roach-Freiman, A. (2021). BEAM Me Up: Teaching Rhetorical Methods for Source Use and Synthesis. Communications in Information Literacy, 15(2), 227–239. https://proxy01.nwacc.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=llf&AN=154116980&site=ehost-live
Civic Online Reasoning (COR), a peer-reviewed curriculum from the Stanford History Education Group, provides resources to teach students how to evaluate sources as if they were professional fact-checkers. Find free curriculum, activities, videos and more.