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Using NoodleTools: A Guide to the App

A guide to creating and using your free NoodleTools account for citations.

How to Create an Outline


Notecards can be linked to topics in your outline. When you are ready to start writing, you can export the outline with the content of your notecards included, to prepare for writing.


You may drag notecards into the outline from either the Tabletop View or Detail View.

  • An advantage of using the Detail View is that you are able to view the full content of the notecards as you choose the ones you move.
  • A reason to use the Tabletop View is that you can move an entire notecard pile into an outline topic. Dragging a notecard pile into the outline will add all of the notecards within that pile.

Step 1: Open an existing project. Click on the Notecard by a source in your project.

Step 2: Fill in your notecard title, add any relevant direct quotations, add your summary or paraphrase for your source, and/or add how you will use the source in the paper. Use what parts are relevant to your assignment. Repeat this step for each source in your project. 

Step 3: To add your thesis or research question.

Step 4: Click on Tabletop View while in your current project. You should now see your notecards. Check the "Outline" box. You are now able to drag notecards to your outline. To add a new larger topic, click "add topic." To add a smaller subtopic, click "add subtopic."

Step 5: To export your outline, click here.

Your finished outline should download