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Using NoodleTools: A Guide to the App

A guide to creating and using your free NoodleTools account for citations.


Once you've created your bibliography, how do you get it into Word or Google Documents?

blue rectangle with up arrow coming out of it


Print or export your source list

  The list of citations for your project has a different name depending on which citation style you use.

  • MLA style: Works Cited
  • APA style: References
  • Chicago style: Bibliography

​​​​​​​NoodleTools creates and formats the list based on the source information entered and citation style selected for your project.

Step 1 - Export/Print

  • Select "Export/Print" to view the options for printing and exporting to word processing software.
  • Selecting any of the three "Print/Export to" options (Word, RTF, or Google Docs) will create a properly formatted Works Cited page.
  • Avoid the "Preview as Web Page (HTML)" option. You will have to manually format the page.

Do NOT cut and paste from the source list – you will have to manually format the Works Cited page.

Step 2 - Open & save document

The document created with the Export/Print feature meets the standards for the citation style of your project.

If you find errors in a citation on your Works Cited page it is best to,

  • edit the citation in NoodleTools to fix the error, and
  • export the Works Cited page again.

Formatting Options

Before you export your source list, you can apply the following formatting options.

  • List title: Change the title of the list, such as adding the phrase: Annotated Bibliography.
  • Page header: Insert your last name before the page number for MLA style.
  • Include: Leave out any annotations you entered by selecting: Citations only.
  • URLs: Include or omit URLs from the exported list.

Merging 2 Word Documents

There are two ways to merge the NoodleTools document into an existing Word Document.

  1. Copy/paste the bibliography into your essay document.
  2. Merge the two documents using the Insert tab.

How to merge documents using the Insert tab.

  1. In your main document, select the Insert tab.
  2. Select Object, and then select Text from File from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the file to be merged into the current document. 
  4. Select Insert.

Merging 2 Google Documents

Google Docs does not support merging two documents. 

Copy/paste your exported list into your main essay document.