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NWACC Library

Information Literacy Guide for Faculty

This guide is designed to help you learn about information literacy (IL) instruction services offered by NWACC Library


The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy and the Six Major Frames. From: Burress, T., Clark, M., Hernandez, S., & Myhill, N. (2015, June). Wikipedia: Teaching Metaliteracy in the Digital Landscape [poster]. Presented at the ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition, San Francisco.

Academic Libraries and Technology: An Environmental Scan Towards Future Possibility - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: [accessed 10 Aug, 2019]

Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

The Library uses the Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education to guide its library instruction.  The Framework  focuses on six threshold concepts, ideals to serve as "passageways or portals to enlarged understanding or ways of thinking and practicing within that discipline."

Authority Is Constructed and Contextual

Authority depends on context and the audience holding an attitude of informed skepticism.

Information Creation as a Process

Information in any format is produced to convey a message and is shared via a selected delivery method.

Information Has Value

Information possesses several dimensions of value.

Research as Inquiry

Research is an iterative process that depends on asking increasingly complex questions.

Scholarship as Conversation

Ideas are created, debated, and weighed against one another over time.

Searching as Strategic Exploration

Locating information requires a combination of inquiry, discovery, and serendipity.

Threshold Concepts & Information Literacy

Want to know more or dive deeper?

Our librarians are trained in the Framework for Information Literacy and can work with you  to explore it. Contact our Head of Reference & Instruction who can create a customized, discipline-specific resource list, provide training, and/or develop a faculty workshop for you.

Suggested reading:

Further Reading

Understanding by Design

The conceptual understandings of the Framework are based on this work by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. Its focus is in developing curricula and on threshold concepts.

LibGuide Credit

The Framework content on this page and in this guiede was originally created by PALNI - the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana.  Adapted with permission.