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APA Citation Guide

Updated for the 2019 7th edition.

Format an APA Paper

Follow these steps to format your paper in APA style. Your paper should have three major sections: the title page, main body, and references list.

These guidelines show how to set up a student paper in APA format. The 7th edition now has specific formatting for student papers versus a professional paper (i.e. one being submitted for publication). If your instructor has requested a different format or additional elements, use your instructor's preferences.

  1. Set margins to one inch
  2. Set spacing to double (2.0)
  3. Create a title page
  4. Add page numbers to the right side of the header
  5. Start the reference list on a new page
    1. Continue the page numbering (don't start again at 1)
    2. Center the section title on the first line: References
    3. Double space the list
    4. Use hanging indentation (hanging indents)

Official APA Resources