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Connect to Theatre eBooks

Theatre: a Very Short Introduction

Travel through Ancient Greece and Rome, to Medieval Japan and Europe, to America and beyond, and see how the various forms of theatre have been interpreted and enjoyed.

World Theatre: The Basics

Introduce yourself non-Western theatre by exploring the history and current practice of theatrical traditions in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Oceania, the Caribbean, and the non-English-speaking cultures of the Americas.

The Cambridge Guide to Theatre

Read up on the history and present practice of theatre in all parts of the world.

Modern Drama: a Very Short Introduction

Explore the major developments of modern drama, covering two decades per chapter, from early modernist theatre through post-war developments to more recent and contemporary theatre.

Making Theatre

Dive into the processes by which performance is realized, analyzing three major areas: "Words" and the interpretation of text; "Vision" including scenery, costume and lighting; and "Music" which illustrates the importance of music in all stage action.

The Oxford Companion to Theatre and Performance

Discover styles and movements, organizations, regions and traditions.

Connect to Acting & Performance eBooks

Brecht on Performance

Read selection of Brecht's principal writings about the craft of acting and realizing texts for the stage.

Innovation in Five Acts

Use this sourcebook of innovative techniques for creating theatre, with contributions from experienced playwrights, directors, performers, teachers, dramaturgs, artistic directors and founders.

The Energetic Performer

Learn how to use the body to produce rich, varied and truthful performances.

Why Acting Matters

Check out this provocative, highly engaging essay on the art of pretending on the stage, on screen, and in daily life.

Stanislavski for Beginners

Study with the master: Stanislavski was the first person to develop a cogent and practical system of acting.

Before the Curtain Opens

Discover the Alexander Technique, a long-established, accessible and highly effective way of learning to change and retrain postural and behavioral habits that cause unnecessary tension, stress and illness.

Connect to Production, Direction, & Stagecraft eBooks

Theatre for Beginners

Use this study guide to the art of making theater.

Project Planning for the Stage

Gain essential tools for understanding and managing theatre production efficiently.

Performing Architectures

Get introduced to the fields of performance and contemporary architecture, exploring the significance of architecture for performance theory and theatre and performance practice.