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NWACC Library

CNA - Certified Nursing Assistant & PCA - Patient Care Assistant

A guide to support student research assignments in the CNA program.

Find Sources for Class Assignments

Recognize the Difference Between Google & Library Search Tools

Almost everyone has used Google (or another search engine) to find information. However, academic research requires going beyond Google and using library search tools to find credible sources. On Google, or other open web search engines, anyone can write and publish whatever they want. The library's research tools ensure the resources you find are good quality and reliable. Your instructors will expect you to provide quality resources beyond Google. NWACC Library search tools are carefully chosen by librarians to make sure they support scholarly research.

Google has taught us all 3 misconceptions that work against us when doing library research.

1. Ask a question; get an answer.
2. Click on the top results (and maybe only the top result).
3. Everything is a website.


Unfortunately, library research is a little more messy, but it can be learned!

Keywords not questions.
Filter, limit, and refine results.
Source types matter.

Library Search Tools

Try these library databases to find credible, current nursing assistant information.

Google Scholar

caution symbol of a white exclamation point inside a black triangle You may be blocked by paywalls when using Google Scholar. caution symbol of a white exclamation point inside a black triangle 
Contact the library for help getting the article at no cost to you.

Find information for patient education