"The Best-Selling Board Games of All Time, Ranked." Fun.com, www.fun.com/best-selling-board-games-all-time.html. Accessed 26 Jan. 2025.
The best-selling board games of all time, ranked. (n.d.). Fun.com. https://www.fun.com/best-selling-board-games-all-time.html
Chicago Bibliography entry
“The Best-Selling Board Games of All Time, Ranked.” Accessed January 26, 2025. https://www.fun.com/best-selling-board-games-all-time.html.
Being able to find and cite resources are essential steps in the research process! It’s time to test your knowledge...
Each team will have 30 minutes to complete the same 5 puzzles. Each answer unlocks one lock on the prize box.
At the end of time, the teams will compare answers and decide which the class will use to try to open the locks!
You’ll have to use your citation knowledge and critical thinking skills to unlock the prizes.
Fillable Team Answer Sheets
ProQuest Central is a powerful tool to find resources! You’re going to have to search the database to solve this clue.
You’ll have everything you need to open a lock if you can find the specific volume & issue numbers of Brain Sciences with an article describing the “benefits of playing at school” to improve memory and math skills.
🔎🗝️ Solve this. 🗝️🔎
Ever wonder who’s in the game? (Toles Patkin & Kapell, 2021).
To crack this clue, find it in “Search Everything” to answer this question:
What type of source is this?
In some citation styles, the source type determines how to format it on the bibliography.
Match the material on the center of each of the following cards to the type of source.
The correct answers will point you in the right direction.
⬆ Book - Print or E ⬆
⬇ Media / Multimedia ⬇
⬅ Article - Journal or Magazine ⬅
➡ Website ➡