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NWACC Library


Resources for Composition I and Composition II courses

Why Conduct Background Research?

To gain familiarity with your topic.

To narrow your topic by finding specific aspects on which to focus.

To provide historical and social context.

To identify experts related to the topic.

Search Credo Reference

Credo Logo

Start your research with Credo, an easy-to-use tool to find background and explainers. Use this box to search hundreds of full-text reference titles, as well as 500,000+ images and audio files and over 1,000 videos.

Search Gale eBooks

Explore topics and conduct multidisciplinary research in this database of encyclopedias and reference sources in the Gale eBooks platform.

Find Research Starters

Search for your topic in these library search tools.

There may be a Research Starter, topic guide, overview, backgrounder, or explainer. Even if there is not, you'll still find some information sources.