To gain familiarity with your topic.
To narrow your topic by finding specific aspects on which to focus.
To provide historical and social context.
To identify experts related to the topic.
Explore topics and conduct multidisciplinary research in this database of encyclopedias and reference sources in the Gale eBooks platform.
There may be a Research Starter, topic guide, overview, backgrounder, or explainer. Even if there is not, you'll still find some information sources.
eLibrary®—the user-friendly general reference tool—delivers one of the largest general reference collections of periodical and digital media content designed to support every range of users, including middle and high school students, college-prep and college-level researchers, and professional educators. Educators can even search for resources that correlate to state and national standards, including Common Core State Standards. eLibrary’s updated interface and features make research easy. Researchers will find the answers they need from more than 2090 full-text magazines, newspapers, books, and transcript titles, plus a collection of over 7 million maps, pictures, weblinks, and audio/video files.