This book prepares prospective anthropologists, as well as readers interested in human cultures for understanding basic theoretical and methodological ethnographic principles.
Written by leading scholars in the field, this comprehensive and readable resource gives anthropology students a unique guide to the ideas, arguments and history of the discipline.
Leading anthropologist Thomas Hylland Eriksen shows how anthropology is a revolutionary way of thinking about the human world. Perfect for students, but also for those who have never encountered anthropology before, this book explores the key issues in an exciting and innovative way.
Anthropology: The Basics provides an overview of the fundamental principles of anthropology and is an invaluable guide for anyone wanting to learn more about this fascinating subject.
Christoph Wulf's Anthropology argues for an interdisciplinary and intercultural approach to anthropology that incorporates science, philosophy, history, and many other disciplines.
This book offers students an invaluable look at what cultural anthropologists do when they are in the field.
The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Anthropology is the first installment of The SAGE Handbook of the Social Sciences series and encompasses major specialities as well as key interdisciplinary themes relevant to the field. This handbook provides a rich overview of the discipline and has a future focus whilst using international theories and examples throughout.